Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Vitamins You should be Taking Daily?

Dr. Oz sheds light on one of the most confusing health issues: What vitamins you should be taking daily. Find out what 4 supplements he takes every day and the 4 essential supplements for women over 40.

If you've ever stood paralyzed in the vitamin aisle, facing the wall of many supplements, fear no more. This is Dr. Oz's Ultimate Supplement Checklist. Learn what to take, why your body needs it and the proper dose.

1) A Multivitamin

A study of 3 million people revealed that less than 1% of the participants got enough essential vitamins from diet alone. That's why you must take a multivitamin; it also helps prevent heart disease, breast cancer and colon cancer.

The Dose

Look for 100% of the daily value of the 12 essential vitamins and minerals – like vitamins B, C, E and zinc. Note: Only women who are menstruating need a multivitamin with iron. If you are post-menopausal or a male, you do not need a multivitamin that contains iron.

More is not better – avoid "mega-doses." You only need 100% daily value, not 500%.

Take half in the morning and half at night to maximize absorption. You use a multivitamin's various components during the chemical reactions that occur throughout your body. So, maintaining constant levels assures a steady supply of these vital nutrients.

2) Calcium with Magnesium

This is a necessary supplement for strong, healthy muscles, bones and teeth.

The Dose

Calcium (600 mg) with magnesium (400 mg).

Take dose with a full glass of water, 2 hours after eating. Calcium can block the absorption of other supplements and prescriptions, so be sure to take it separately.

3) Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is integral the health of your immune system, blood vessels, muscles and nervous systems. Most of us don't get enough vitamin D from sunlight, especially if you live in a northern climate or are dark-skinned.

The Dose

1,000 IU – this dose can be included in multi-vitamins, so make sure you read labels carefully.

Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it works better when taken with a little fat. Try taking it at breakfast with milk or yogurt.

4) Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids called DHA and EPA which are essential for optimal functioning of the heart and brain. They reduce arterial inflammation, which can lower your risk for a heart attack. Fish oil is also associated with a 32% reduced risk of breast cancer.

While a controversial report this year indicated that fish oil supplements could be dangerous due to possible trace amounts of mercury and/or PCBs (cancer-causing chemicals found in fish swimming in polluted waters), this small amount is not enough to be a concern.

The Dose

Your daily dose must contain 600 mgs of the DHA omega-3 fatty acid. Take fish oil with breakfast to avoid "fishy burps," a side-effect some report when fish oil is taken on an empty stomach.

Many fish oils recommended refrigeration to keep them from spoiling.

For Quality Supplements you can buy online, click the links below:

In Case you're wondering... here are 3 supplements that Dr Oz says you should NEVER take:

  1. BitterOrange - over 20 Million is sales last year alone. Taken to help lose weight. Contains a stimulant very similar to Efedra which was banned by FDA in 2004 because it was at risk of creating heart attacks, stroke, and even death.
  2. Lobella - used for Asthma and Bronchitis and known to cause rapid heart beat, blood pressure can drop, comas, even death.
  3. Yohimbe - Sexual Enhancement Supplement for both Males and Females. Over 14 Million in sales last year. May cause severe heart problems and FDA has placed a warning on this over 20 years ago.

Stay away from those 3 supplements... it may save your life!

Visit www.GetLivingHealthy.net for your source of Quality All-Natural, Organic Supplements with over 50 years of scientific research.

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