A serious heart condition can put you at risk of a heart attack or it can be a sign that a heart attack has already occurred, but recognizing its symptoms could save your life.
The result of insufficient blood flow to your heart all related to different degrees of blockages in your arteries.
Angina is an increasing, unpredictable chest pain that sometimes occurs before a heart attack. It is serious and potentially life-threatening.
Common Causes:
Certain health factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol, can damage the inner lining of the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart. The body responds to the damage by trying to heal the arteries, which can cause a sticky substance called plaque to build up in areas where there is damage.
When there is a disruption of the lining of the arteries, typically plaque, that can cause blood clots to form. When that occurs, the patient experiences chest pain.
Know the Symptoms:
If left untreated, these conditions have a high rate of worsening, that's why it's important to seek medical attention immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Chest pain that may feel like pressure, squeezing, or fullness in your chest
- Pain, tingling, or discomfort in the arms
- Pain in the back, neck, jaw, or abdomen
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea or vomiting
- Sweating
- Dizziness or light-headedness
People who smoke or have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a family history of heart disease, diabetes, or a previous personal history of coronary heart disease should be especially quick to call their doctor if they notice any of these signs.
Not every instance of chest pain is dangerous, for example, if you eat spicy foods and feel a burning in your chest that is relieved by an antacid, it is not likely to be from a life-threatening cause. But if you have unexplained chest pain, your symptoms should be evaluated by your doctor.
Learn more about Heart Health, Click Here: HEART HEALTH
Kaetlin's List of the Top 10 Heart Healthy Foods that can Help YOU Lower Your Cholesterol and Live Longer!
Even with high cholesterol, you do not need to give up yourself to a flat diet. As a matter of fact, a mouth-watering salmon, a fistful of fresh berries, or a glass of red wine could lower your cholesterol levels and better your heart wellness and get you off those Heart medications that will effect your long-term health.
When you go to grocery store next time, search for these foods that lower cholesterol levels. These cholesterol-lowering foods are suggested by the American Heart Association.
1. Extra virgin Olive Oil
The researches have proven that extra virgin olive oil raises the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) level, which lowers plaque buildup in the arterial blood vessel.
2. Beans
Kidney Beans - Lima Beans - Black Beans - Navy Beans - Pinto Beans
Beans, such as kidney, lima, black, navy, and pinto beans are abundant in the fiber necessary to lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that consuming 5 to 10 grams of fiber daily can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 3 to 5 percent.
3. Oatmeal and Oat Bran
Oats are high in fiber, and they have beta-glucan that can reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Oats also regulate blood glucose levels, which are beneficial to people with diabetes.
4. Nuts
Almonds - Hazelnuts - Pecans - Pine Nuts - Pistachios - Walnuts
Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts have monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Researches have shown that they can lower cholesterol. It is suggested that you do not take more than one and a half ounces (approximately 1-1/2 handfuls) because nuts contain high calories.
5. Plant sterols and stenols
Plant sterols and stenols are natural contents found in the cell tissue layer of plants, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It is recommended that you consume two grams a day by consuming fortified foods including margarine spread, orange juice, and salad dressings. However, they should only be consumed by those who have high LDL cholesterol.
6. Salmon and omega-3 fats
Salmon - Sardines - Anchovies - Fortified Eggs - Soybeans
Omega-3s lower almost all risk components for heart disease. Omega-3s are contained in fatty fish, like salmon, sardine and anchovies, and in fortified eggs and soybeans. They cut inflammation, lower blood pressure, lower the level of triglycerides, cause blood thinner and prevent to clot, and increase HDL cholesterol level.
7. Alcohol
Not on my Top Ten, but according to American Heart Association, drinking small amount of alcohol (limiting to one drink a day for adult female and two drinks a day for adult male) can be healthy to the heart. Especially, red wine that contains antioxidants is considered the best among all the alcohol drinks.
8. Blueberries
Blue berries are antioxidant-rich berries. They have a compound that can reduce LDL cholesterol. The research has shown that they are as effective as some cholesterol drugs do. Having blueberries has fewer side effects than cholesterol drugs.
9. Cranberry-Grape juice
Grape juice has antioxidants that can slow the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Cranberry juice brings up HDL cholesterol. Make certain to buy one hundred percent juice.
10. Yogurt with live active cultures (probiotics)
Numerous reports have shown that probiotics found in yogurt can reduce LDL cholesterol by keeping the cholesterol from going back into the bloodstream.
Learn more about Heart Health, Click Here: HEART HEALTH
angina, artery blockage, chest pain, cholesterol, cholesterol reduction complex, coronary heart disease, diabetes, heart attack, heart disease, Heart Health, high blood pressure, omegaguard, over-weight, plaque, reduce cholesterol, serious heart condition, shaklee, shaklee products, shortness of breath, smoking, top 10 heart healthy foods
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