Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get Clean offers Safe, Non-Toxic Cleaners for Your Home, as seen on Oprah!

I have been a steady user of products like Windex, Mr. Clean, Ajax, Tide, Pledge, Comet and more for my approach to cleaning our home for many years. But I recently decided to try the new line of Get Clean household products from Shaklee.

When my 2 boxes of Get Clean products arrived, I must confess, my first thoughts were excitement and a shadow of doubt. It seemed like a lot of neat stuff, but will they actually work? Were the clean, fresh impressions that I gleaned from their website an accurate depiction of the actual goods?

Happily, the answers are Yes, and without a doubt!

I am truly amazed by their effectiveness and eco-friendliness. Get Clean not only gets the job done — but it's a true green find — an entire line of nontoxic cleaners that won't pollute the air you breathe, or cause harm to Mother Earth.

The Get Clean Starter Kit contains a nifty array of practical solutions; each item packs a concentrated punch of cleaning power and each package and dispenser is attractive and well designed. The kit is all-inclusive, with measuring scoops, cloths, sponge, scrubbing pad and even a handy storage/caddy. And the instructions are thorough and easy to follow. As I stood over my kitchen sink, measuring and mixing my new cleaning cocktails, I had a few quiet chuckles as I flashed back on my chem classes from many moons ago.

The entire line is a treat, especially after so many years of using toxic chemical based products on various surfaces. My favorite is the Scour Off Heavy-Duty Paste, it's a heavenly dream whip that wipes out the tough stuff with ease. For an overview of the complete line, simply click to Get Clean.

With further digging, I also discovered that Shaklee also has an impressive history. Founded in 1956 by Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, they launched one of the first nontoxic, biodegradable cleaners in the 1960s. A decade later, one of the first biodegradable laundry detergents without phosphates, nitrates or borates was introduced, followed by one of the first official Earth Day products in 1990. And in 2000 Shaklee was the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its CO2 emissions, with a net zero impact on the environment.

Shaklee's environmental stewardship and socially responsibility creates an attractive business opportunity. 12,000 new entrepreneurs sign up every month. I like what they're all about — health, harmony with nature, shared dreams, a better world, and doing it right.

Here's a Quick Snapshot from their Website If one person were to switch from conventional cleaners to a Get Clean Starter Kit it would eliminate 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills and 248 pounds of GHG emissions, the equivalent of planting 10 trees.

purchase  a get clean kit or separate get clean items here: Get Clean

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Drinking Tap Water with Chlorine in it...

Drinking Tap Water with Chlorine May be a Health Risk!

You'd be amazed how many water municipalities add chlorine to their drinking water to get rid of microbes. This is an inexpensive and highly effective disinfectant, but what you probably don't know is the dangers of chlorine in our body. Chlorine my be going into your body everyday if you are drinking tap water or even bottled water.

While chlorine is an inexpensive and effective drinking water disinfectant, it is also a poison and we are drinking it, washing in it and cooking with it. Did you know that chlorine gas was used with deadly effectiveness as a weapon in the First World War? The gas would severely burn the lungs and other body tissues when inhaled, and is no less powerful when ingested by mouth.

Researchers have now linked chlorine in drinking water to higher incidences of bladder, rectal and breast cancers. Reportedly chlorine, once in water, interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes (THMs) — which when ingested encourage the growth of free radicals that can destroy or damage vital cells in the body. Most of the water we drink ends up in the bladder and/or rectum, so THMs in drinking water are particularly damaging to these organs most.

The link between chlorine and bladder and rectal cancers has long been known, but only recently have researchers found a link between common chlorine disinfectants and breast cancer, which affects one out of every eight American women. A recent study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut found that women with breast cancer have 50-60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorine by-products) in their breast tissue than cancer-free women.

But don't think that buying bottled water is any solution. Much of the bottled water for sale in the U.S. comes from public municipal water sources that are often treated with, you guessed it, chlorine. A few cities have switched over to other means of disinfecting their water supplies. Las Vegas, for example, has followed the lead of many European and Canadian cities in switching over to harmless ozone instead of chlorine to disinfect its municipal water supply.

Here's some Tips

  • Stop Buying Bottled Water! It may not be any better than the water you get from your tap and all those empty plastic bottles are ending up in landfills... they are horrible for the environment!
  • Carbon Filters will removed most of the Chlorine from your tap water... a simple and cost effective way for drinking tap water.
Learn more about Drinking Tap Water and our recommendations for getting chlorine and other contaminants out of your drinking water by visiting: www.DrinkingTapWater.com

To Your Health!
Scott OBrien
Independent Shaklee Distributor

Contact Me Today for Questions:
email: support@drinkingtapwater.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
office: 424-Best Biz (424-237-8249)
facebook: www.facebook.com/AskScottOBrien
blog: www.StartLivingHealthier.com
web: www.LifetimeForHealth.com

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dangers of Drinking tap Water

Do You Understand the Dangers of Drinking Tap Water?

If you know the dangers of drinking tap water to your health and well being, you would think twice before putting it into you body.

We often take the purity of our tap water for granted and we shouldn't. There are endless reports of contaminants in our tap water. Aging pipes leach contaminants into the water they carry and breed bacteria… a potential prescription for illness. Old-fashion water treatment systems built to filter out particles in the water and kill some parasites and bacteria, generally fail to remove 21st century contaminants like pesticides, industrial chemicals and arsenic.

To disinfect, chlorine is added to our water supply at the water processing plant. In many cities, ammonia is also added to the process which is called Chloramine, to stabilize the chlorine so it won't vaporize over time. Here are a few quotes from the city of San Francisco water department pamphlet: Chloraminated water can harm fish and amphibians, such as turtles and frogs, as chloramine passes through their gills and directly enters the bloodstream.

Do you think it's safe for people and animals to drink?. Is it really safe for the human body? It might not kill us right away, but will slowly if accumulated over a long period of time. Chlorine or chloramin is known to be the cause of some illnesses. There are other contaminants that tap water may or most likely contain:

  • Lead from soldered pipes – which can cause brain damage and decreased intelligence in children, result in anemia, low birth weight in children, increase blood pressure in adults
  • Microbiological growth inside pipeline or tank
  • Particulates from corrosion and rusting inside pipes or holding tanks
  • Pesticides from leeching industrial runoff
  • Mercury, which may cause kidney damage
  • Radon from land decade can increase the risk of stomach cancer
  • MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), a cancer causing chemical
  • Germs, bacteria and viruses
  • Rocket fuel — perchlorate, harmful to the thyroid and possibly carcinogenic
  • Arsenic, recently judged not safe at any level in drinking water, is still present at significant levels in the drinking water of 22 million Americans.

NRDC's study revealed that periodic spikes in contaminant levels are on the rise, a sign that aging pipes and water-treatment facilities often can't handle today's contaminant loads. With the recent report on pharmaceuticals substance found in drinking water supply is just one of many cases. EPA estimates that 2-10% of bladder cancer may be from contaminated drinking water. The use of at source water purification devices is strongly recommended to protect you and your family's health should you be concerned of the dangers of drinking tap water.

Get Clean Water from Shaklee

Get Clean Water with Shaklee CLICK HERE

Be sure to Change your filters as recommended.

Clean Water is Awesome! Drink Lots of it!
VISIT: www.DrinkingTapWater.com

To Your Health!
Scott OBrien
Independent Shaklee Distributor

Contact Me Today for Questions:
email: support@drinkingtapwater.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
office: 424-Best Biz (424-237-8249)
facebook: www.facebook.com/AskScottOBrien
twitter: www.twitter.com/ScottOBrien
blog: www.StartLivingHealthier.com
web: www.LifetimeForHealth.com

Monday, July 19, 2010

VIVIX, The New Anti-Aging Secret! Resveratrol

My New Anti-Aging Secret

Turn Back The Clock With RevUp31

We all face the hands of time and want to turn back the clock. As time goes on and we move up in age, our bodies begin to change and enter what some people call the ripening stage of life. To many it is a sad and depressing stage of life. However, for some of us when we know our bodies and our limits, the aging process becomes a thing of the past. We begin to take control of the aging process. We have to change our lifestyle to accommodate the aging process. Lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking seem way more harmful than when we were younger.

Now, I may appear to be very naïve to think about slowing down aging, but what if we could turn back the clock or stop this inevitability? Well, I shouldn't say stop, but slow it down. I am sure it is something that at least 80% of the population of the world would be interested in, maybe even think fondly of. What if I told you biologists and bio-chemists alike, agree that there is a gene that affects aging and there is a product that can trigger that gene, would you believe me? Well you should because that is a true statement and it has been proven for several years now. The question is, how can humans consume this product that triggers the gene safely and will it work? Today, the question is being answered. Let me explain in detail.

The chemical or "phytoalexin" is called Resveratrol which is basically a line of defense for a plant's immune system. It is found in grapes and specifically red wine but not in amounts large enough to have any noticeable effects on humans, but it can be formulated in a lab to be highly concentrated. Tests using this high concentrate of Resveratrol have been done on rats and mice and it was found to increase their life up to 30% and even inhibit cancerous cell growth within the animals. Although significant tests have not been done on humans, it is a possibility the same high-concentrated dosage could have similar effects.

VIVIX is one of the World's first mass produced, concentrated forms of Resveratrol. It boasts the ability to slow the aging process among many other "miracle-type" affects within humans. To investigate, or not to investigate is the question. Considering the studies in smaller mammals have proven high concentrations of Resveratrol can have positive effects! More information can be found here; www.ResveratrolAntiAging.com