Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Vitamins You should be Taking Daily?

Dr. Oz sheds light on one of the most confusing health issues: What vitamins you should be taking daily. Find out what 4 supplements he takes every day and the 4 essential supplements for women over 40.

If you've ever stood paralyzed in the vitamin aisle, facing the wall of many supplements, fear no more. This is Dr. Oz's Ultimate Supplement Checklist. Learn what to take, why your body needs it and the proper dose.

1) A Multivitamin

A study of 3 million people revealed that less than 1% of the participants got enough essential vitamins from diet alone. That's why you must take a multivitamin; it also helps prevent heart disease, breast cancer and colon cancer.

The Dose

Look for 100% of the daily value of the 12 essential vitamins and minerals – like vitamins B, C, E and zinc. Note: Only women who are menstruating need a multivitamin with iron. If you are post-menopausal or a male, you do not need a multivitamin that contains iron.

More is not better – avoid "mega-doses." You only need 100% daily value, not 500%.

Take half in the morning and half at night to maximize absorption. You use a multivitamin's various components during the chemical reactions that occur throughout your body. So, maintaining constant levels assures a steady supply of these vital nutrients.

2) Calcium with Magnesium

This is a necessary supplement for strong, healthy muscles, bones and teeth.

The Dose

Calcium (600 mg) with magnesium (400 mg).

Take dose with a full glass of water, 2 hours after eating. Calcium can block the absorption of other supplements and prescriptions, so be sure to take it separately.

3) Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is integral the health of your immune system, blood vessels, muscles and nervous systems. Most of us don't get enough vitamin D from sunlight, especially if you live in a northern climate or are dark-skinned.

The Dose

1,000 IU – this dose can be included in multi-vitamins, so make sure you read labels carefully.

Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it works better when taken with a little fat. Try taking it at breakfast with milk or yogurt.

4) Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids called DHA and EPA which are essential for optimal functioning of the heart and brain. They reduce arterial inflammation, which can lower your risk for a heart attack. Fish oil is also associated with a 32% reduced risk of breast cancer.

While a controversial report this year indicated that fish oil supplements could be dangerous due to possible trace amounts of mercury and/or PCBs (cancer-causing chemicals found in fish swimming in polluted waters), this small amount is not enough to be a concern.

The Dose

Your daily dose must contain 600 mgs of the DHA omega-3 fatty acid. Take fish oil with breakfast to avoid "fishy burps," a side-effect some report when fish oil is taken on an empty stomach.

Many fish oils recommended refrigeration to keep them from spoiling.

For Quality Supplements you can buy online, click the links below:

In Case you're wondering... here are 3 supplements that Dr Oz says you should NEVER take:

  1. BitterOrange - over 20 Million is sales last year alone. Taken to help lose weight. Contains a stimulant very similar to Efedra which was banned by FDA in 2004 because it was at risk of creating heart attacks, stroke, and even death.
  2. Lobella - used for Asthma and Bronchitis and known to cause rapid heart beat, blood pressure can drop, comas, even death.
  3. Yohimbe - Sexual Enhancement Supplement for both Males and Females. Over 14 Million in sales last year. May cause severe heart problems and FDA has placed a warning on this over 20 years ago.

Stay away from those 3 supplements... it may save your life!

Visit www.GetLivingHealthy.net for your source of Quality All-Natural, Organic Supplements with over 50 years of scientific research.

Shop Supplements Online
Start Living Healthier
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Shaklee addresses Phosphates in Automatic Dishwasher Cleaning Agents

Shaklee Difference

Laws in 17 States Limit Phosphates in Automatic Dishwasher Cleaning Agents

When Shaklee first launched our patented, phosphate-free Basic-D in 1991, we were way ahead of trend in making available a high performing phosphate-free automatic dishwash concentrate. It wasn't until 1994 that phosphates in laundry detergents were restricted nationwide, but until recently, automatic dishwasher detergent manufacturers could include phosphates without concern for environmental regulations prohibiting or limiting the use of phosphates. There simply weren't any.

Well, that time appears to be coming to an end. As of this year, 17 states have enacted laws regarding phosphates in automatic dishwasher cleaners, 15 of them in 2010 alone.

Why the concern about phosphates? Phosphates in bodies of fresh water like lakes, streams, rivers, and creeks, act as a nutrient to organisms like algae, encouraging their growth to an extent that they can harm or threaten plant and fish life.

Now is a great time to assure your consumers and prospects that Shaklee Get Clean products do not contain phosphates, and never will. And for those who are concerned about performance, Shaklee Get Clean Automatic Dish Wash Concentrate is a patented, highly concentrated, phosphate-free automatic dishwash cleanser, backed by the 100% Shaklee Satisfaction Guarantee, and selected as a 2008 recipient of the PTPA (Parent Tested Parent Approved) seal of approval. Its enzyme-activated formula removes tough stains without prerinsing, dissolving quickly and completely, without residue.

Here are the 17 states in which phosphates in dishwash detergents are now regulated. Is your state one of them?

Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Vermont, Virginia

And even if your state isn't among these, shouldn't everyone you know be using a phosphate-free dishwash concentrate?

Click Here for: Shaklee Automatic Dishwasher Concentrate


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heart Health | Top 10 Foods to Eat to Lower Your Cholesterol

A serious heart condition can put you at risk of a heart attack or it can be a sign that a heart attack has already occurred, but recognizing its symptoms could save your life.

The result of insufficient blood flow to your heart all related to different degrees of blockages in your arteries.

Angina is an increasing, unpredictable chest pain that sometimes occurs before a heart attack. It is serious and potentially life-threatening.

Common Causes:

Certain health factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol, can damage the inner lining of the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart. The body responds to the damage by trying to heal the arteries, which can cause a sticky substance called plaque to build up in areas where there is damage.

When there is a disruption of the lining of the arteries, typically plaque, that can cause blood clots to form. When that occurs, the patient experiences chest pain.

Know the Symptoms:

If left untreated, these conditions have a high rate of worsening, that's why it's important to seek medical attention immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Chest pain that may feel like pressure, squeezing, or fullness in your chest
  • Pain, tingling, or discomfort in the arms
  • Pain in the back, neck, jaw, or abdomen
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness or light-headedness
Not everyone will experience every symptom. Some people may feel a tightening in the chest or tingling in the arms. Others may just experience shortness of breath.

People who smoke or have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a family history of heart disease, diabetes, or a previous personal history of coronary heart disease should be especially quick to call their doctor if they notice any of these signs.

Not every instance of chest pain is dangerous, for example, if you eat spicy foods and feel a burning in your chest that is relieved by an antacid, it is not likely to be from a life-threatening cause. But if you have unexplained chest pain, your symptoms should be evaluated by your doctor.

Learn more about Heart Health, Click Here: HEART HEALTH

Kaetlin's List of the Top 10 Heart Healthy Foods that can Help YOU Lower Your Cholesterol and Live Longer!

Even with high cholesterol, you do not need to give up yourself to a flat diet. As a matter of fact, a mouth-watering salmon, a fistful of fresh berries, or a glass of red wine could lower your cholesterol levels and better your heart wellness and get you off those Heart medications that will effect your long-term health.

When you go to grocery store next time, search for these foods that lower cholesterol levels. These cholesterol-lowering foods are suggested by the American Heart Association.

1. Extra virgin Olive Oil

The researches have proven that extra virgin olive oil raises the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) level, which lowers plaque buildup in the arterial blood vessel.

2. Beans

Kidney Beans - Lima Beans - Black Beans - Navy Beans - Pinto Beans

Beans, such as kidney, lima, black, navy, and pinto beans are abundant in the fiber necessary to lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that consuming 5 to 10 grams of fiber daily can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 3 to 5 percent.

3. Oatmeal and Oat Bran

Oatmeal - Oat Bran

Oats are high in fiber, and they have beta-glucan that can reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Oats also regulate blood glucose levels, which are beneficial to people with diabetes.

4. Nuts

Almonds - Hazelnuts - Pecans - Pine Nuts - Pistachios - Walnuts

Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts have monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Researches have shown that they can lower cholesterol. It is suggested that you do not take more than one and a half ounces (approximately 1-1/2 handfuls) because nuts contain high calories.

5. Plant sterols and stenols

Plant sterols and stenols are natural contents found in the cell tissue layer of plants, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It is recommended that you consume two grams a day by consuming fortified foods including margarine spread, orange juice, and salad dressings. However, they should only be consumed by those who have high LDL cholesterol.

6. Salmon and omega-3 fats

Salmon - Sardines - Anchovies - Fortified Eggs - Soybeans

Omega-3s lower almost all risk components for heart disease. Omega-3s are contained in fatty fish, like salmon, sardine and anchovies, and in fortified eggs and soybeans. They cut inflammation, lower blood pressure, lower the level of triglycerides, cause blood thinner and prevent to clot, and increase HDL cholesterol level.

7. Alcohol

Not on my Top Ten, but according to American Heart Association, drinking small amount of alcohol (limiting to one drink a day for adult female and two drinks a day for adult male) can be healthy to the heart. Especially, red wine that contains antioxidants is considered the best among all the alcohol drinks.

8. Blueberries

Blue berries are antioxidant-rich berries. They have a compound that can reduce LDL cholesterol. The research has shown that they are as effective as some cholesterol drugs do. Having blueberries has fewer side effects than cholesterol drugs.

9. Cranberry-Grape juice

Grape juice has antioxidants that can slow the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Cranberry juice brings up HDL cholesterol. Make certain to buy one hundred percent juice.

10. Yogurt with live active cultures (probiotics)

Numerous reports have shown that probiotics found in yogurt can reduce LDL cholesterol by keeping the cholesterol from going back into the bloodstream.

Learn more about Heart Health, Click Here: HEART HEALTH

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu

Protect Yourself to Prevent Colds and Flu

Does it seem as though every doorknob is teeming with cold germs and other viruses? A few simple precautions may help you prevent a cold or the flu from taking you down.

Late fall through winter, you're cooped up inside, with lots of sneezing and sniffling people sharing the same space and breathing the same air. You may not be able to completely prevent colds and flu this time of year, but by practicing good hygiene and being careful to avoid cold germs, you may escape cold and flu season unscathed.

1. Get a Flu Vaccine

This may be a controversial topic, but even though I'm for all natural health products... getting a seasonal flu vaccine is a great way to protect yourself against the flu viruses going around each year. Head to your doctor early on in flu season (as soon as the vaccine is available) and get yourself vaccinated. It's one of the most effective ways to prevent flu. Studies have found that in healthy adults, the flu vaccine can decrease the chances of coming down with the flu by as much as 70 percent to 90 percent. But unfortunately, the flu vaccine can't completely prevent flu in everyone. Though there's still a chance you could get sick, the flu vaccine can lessen the severity and duration of your symptoms. Even though you get a flu shot, you still need to eat healthy, exercise, avoid germs and nourish your body daily to help prevent getting the flu.

2. Wash Hands Frequently

Another of the most effective ways to prevent colds and the flu is simply washing your hands properly and frequently. Wash your hands a lot, and encourage those around you to wash their hands. This will help to get rid of cold germs you pick up from doorknobs and stair rails, and keep you from getting them into your body. One study found that college students who washed hands frequently had fewer cold and flu symptoms.

3. Wipe Down Areas with Germs

It's probably common sense not to shake a sick person's hands when you want to prevent a cold, but that's far from the only place that you can pick up cold germs. A recent study looked for the presence of viruses on classroom surfaces and found that the flu virus was found on as many as 50 percent of surfaces. So take some time when you clean up your office or home to wipe down areas where germs may be found like light switches, doorknobs, your phone, your computer, and your TV remote with your favorite natural cleaning product. Minimizing exposure to germs can help prevent colds and the flu.

4. Hands Off

Whether you're nibbling on finger foods or you're a nail biter, your hands have a habit of finding their way into your mouth, not to mention your nose, and eyes, all areas where germs can enter the body. And if you haven't recently made it to a sink to scrub your hands, you're inoculating yourself with those cold germs. To prevent cold and flu viruses, don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands and encourage others not to touch their eyes, nose, or mouth with their hands, this is how germs get inside you to grow into an upper respiratory infection. This will also help prevent cold and flu viruses from spreading.

5. Drink Plenty of Fluids

General good health practices keep your body strong and ready to fend off cold germs and the flu virus. And that includes drinking plenty of water. In fact, one recent study found that staying hydrated may boost a particular immune response to enable your body to better fight the viruses. Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids, especially clean water, and by avoiding caffeinated drinks. Shoot for six to eight glasses of water per day, more if the weather is hot, says Elder.

6. Exercise to Strengthen Your Immunity

Exercise not only makes you feel great and helps you stay fit, but it also boosts your immune system and can help prevent cold and flu viruses from making you sick. And warding off extra weight is important for overall health, and particularly helps to prevent flu and cold viruses from infecting you. A recent study found that overweight and obese people were more likely to fall ill or be injured, and researchers determined that higher BMI indicated an increased risk of injury and illness.

7. Take Probiotics

Probiotics are "good" bacteria that can help keep the body healthy and protect it from "bad" bacteria — and there's even some thought that taking probiotics may help to prevent cold and flu viruses. In fact, a recent study found that regular use of probiotics kept people healthier and reduced the incidence of upper respiratory infections (like the common cold). Consider eating foods that contain probiotics or taking probiotic supplements to prevent flu.

8. Buy a Bottle of Hand Sanitizer

Let's face it, you can't always get to a sink when you need to wash germs off of your hands. So keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer handy is a good idea to help disinfect hands and prevent flu and cold viruses. One study of university students found that keeping hands clean with hand sanitizer reduced the incidence of upper respiratory illnesses.

9. Eat Healthy Foods

A healthy diet can strengthen your immune system and help you prevent flu and cold viruses from attacking. Fruits, vegetables, low-fat proteins, and complex carbohydrates are the keys to good nutrition that will boost your immune system. A recent study found that providing seniors with plenty of nutrients powered their immune systems and helped them to prevent the flu virus.

10. Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting enough shut-eye each night offers bigger benefits than staying awake during a long afternoon at the office. Studies have found that getting enough sleep is essential for healthy immune function, and that insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality is associated with lowered immune function. So that means catching enough zzz's at night can help prevent cold and flu viruses from slowing you down.

Learn More About Preventing Cold and Flu at: www.LifetimeForHealth.com

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Ashley Wagner Loves Shaklee Sports Nutrition Products

Eighteen-year-old Ashley Wagner is a championship-caliber figure skater with an impressive list of accomplishments. Her motto? Persistence pays off. Recently, Ashley earned a fourth-place finish at the 2009 U.S. Figure Skating Championship, beating 21 of the nation's best. The following year, she finished the event with a bronze medal. It's all about focus and practice, she says. You have to fall 100 times before you get something perfect. Hence, her rigorous training regimen; Wagner works out five hours a day, six days a week. On top of that, she has a job and is working toward her associate's degree.

With her busy schedule, she relies on Shaklee Products, including Cinch Snack Bars to help her stay energized and Stress Relief Complex to help her stay relaxed. I always bring a ton of Cinch bars with me to competitions, she says. They're pretty tasty and great in terms of providing energy and nutrients.


  • Third place in the U.S. Figure Skating Championship: 2008, 2010
  • Fourth place in the Grand Prix Final: 2009
  • Third place in the NHK Trophy Grand Prix: 2009
  • Second place in the Rostelecom Cup Grand Prix: 2009
  • Third place in the World Junior Figure Skating Championship: 2007, 2009
  • Fourth place in the U.S. Figure Skating Championship: 2009
  • Fourth place in the NHK Trophy: 2008
  • Fourth place in the Cup of China: 2008
  • Third place in the U.S. Figure Skating Championship: 2008
  • Third place in the Trophée Eric Bompard: 2007
  • Fifth place in Skate Canada International: 2007
  • Third place in the State Farm U.S. Championship, Junior Division: 2007
  • Second place in the Junior Grand Prix Final: 2006
  • First place in the Junior Grand Prix in the Netherlands: 2006
  • First place in the Junior Grand Prix in France: 2006
  • First place in the Triglav Trophy, Junior Division: 2006
  • Fourth place in the State Farm U.S. Championship, Junior Division: 2006
  • First place in the Pacific Coast Sectional, Junior Division: 2006
  • First place in the Northwest Pacific Regional, Junior Division: 2006
  • First place in the North American Challenge Skate in Pierrefonds, Novice Division: 2005
  • First place in the Pacific Coast Sectional, Novice Division: 2005
  • First place in the Northwest Pacific Regional, Novice Division: 2005
  • Second place in the Northwest Pacific Regional, Novice Division: 2004
  • Second place in the Northwest Pacific Regional, Intermediate Division: 2003
  • Second place in the Northwest Pacific Regional, Juvenile Division: 2002

Favorite Shaklee Products:

Shaklee Products

Tags: ashley wagner, cinch snack bars, energy, figure skater, get living healthy, junior figure skating, nutrients, shaklee energy tea, shaklee performance, shaklee physique, shaklee products, shaklee vitalizer, sports nutrition, stress relief complex, us figure skating

Saturday, September 18, 2010

World Cup Bill Demong uses Shaklee Sports Nutrition Products

Oder Shalee Products Online

Bill Demong lives to compete. Make that... win. He garnered two World Championship medals and 11 World Cup podiums in 2009 alone. Call it warming up to his biggest accomplishment yet: becoming the first American ever to win gold in Nordic combined skiing event. The 29-year-old took the podium twice at the Vancouver Games... once for the individual 10 km race and once for the 4x5 km team relay. The feeling of going head to head for those last few vital minutes of a race is an insane rush, he says. You have to give it everything you've got. You have to want it. Want to hurt. Want to be the strongest.

To achieve that, Bill, an outdoor enthusiast, spends hours on intense training. In the summer, he bikes for up to seven hours a day, relying heavily on Shaklee Performance and other Shaklee products. I use Shaklee products exclusively as part of my daily routine, he says. I like Shaklee Vitalizer because it's in one easy packet. I also take Defend & Resist Complex to help keep my immune system up, especially during all the travel. He adds, I trust Shaklee to help supplement my nutrition. It's an integral part of how I not only maximize my training, but also how I recover.


-- Gold Medalist in the Vancouver Olympic Games (Individual): 2010
-- Silver Medalist in the Vancouver Olympic Games (Team): 2010
-- Competitor in the Torino Olympic Games: 2006
-- Competitor in the Salt Lake City Olympic Games: 2002
-- Competitor in the Nagano Olympic Games 1998
-- First place in the World Cup (Val di Fiemme, Italy): 2010
-- First place in the World Cup (Vikersund, Norway): 2009
-- First place in the World Cup (Lahti, Finland): 2007, 2009
-- First place in the World Cup (Klingenthal, Germany): 2009
-- First place in the World Cup (Vancouver-Whistler Olympic Park, Canada): 2009
-- First place in the World Ski Championship (Gundersen LH; Liberec, Czech ): 2009
-- Third place in the World Ski Championship (Gundersen NH; Liberec, Czech): 2009
-- First place in the World Cup (Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria): 2008
-- Second place in the World Cup (Val di Fiemme, Italy): 2008
-- World Championship Team Member: 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009
-- Second place in the World Cup (Oberhof, Germany): 2007
-- First place in the FIS Junior World Ski Championship (Saalfelden, Austria): 1999

Favorite Shaklee Products:

-- Shaklee Physique
-- Shaklee Performance
-- Shaklee Vitalizer
-- Defend & Resist Complex
-- Shaklee Energy

Oder Shalee Products Online

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Are YOU getting enough Vitamin D? Add Shaklee Vita-D3 Today!

Add some sunshine to your day with Vita-D3!

Recent research shows that vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, offers a multitude of benefits including supporting healthy heart function, immune and bone health. But, up to 80% of Americans may have insufficient levels of this essential nutrient. Boost your level of vitamin D with Shaklee Vita-D3.

The perfect choice for overall health and well-being, Vita-D3 provides 1,000 IU of high potency vitamin D3 to help your body thrive!

Vita-D3™ - Superior Quality and Cutting-Edge Nutrition Science

Boost your level of vitamin D with Shaklee Vita-D3!

Recent research shows that vitamin D—the "sunshine vitamin"—offers a multitude of benefits including supporting healthy heart function, immune and bone health. But, up to 80% of Americans may have insufficient levels of this essential nutrient. Supplemental vitamin D is clinically supported and proven to significantly raise blood levels of vitamin D.

Vita-D3 is the culmination of recent scientific research including two industry-leading Shaklee vitamin D studies. Plus, Shaklee Vita-D3 is subjected to over 300 quality tests to guarantee product purity. Our vitamin D supplement contains 1,000 IU of high potency vitamin D3, the most potent form of vitamin D. Studies show this essential nutrient helps:

  • Support healthy heart function
  • Promote immune system health
  • Facilitate healthy cell development
  • Maintain strong bones and teeth by increasing calcium absorption

Always Safe

  • Tested for purity and potency
  • Star-K kosher certified
  • Gluten free

Always Works

  • Contains high potency vitamin D3
  • Based on cutting-edge nutrition science

Always Green

  • Recyclable packaging
  • Soy-based inks
  • No bisphenol-A used in packaging

Who Should Consider Vita-D3? Men, women, and adolescents ages 16 and older who:

  • May not get adequate sun exposure
  • May not get enough vitamin D from their diet
  • Live farther from the equator
  • Are overweight
  • Don't exercise regularly
  • Have darker skin pigmentation

CLICK Here to Order Your New Shaklee Vita-D3

Click here to download the Product Bulletin for Vita D3 which contains all the information you need including key features and benefits, ingredient information, and more!

Are YOU getting enough Vitamin D? Get the answer with Vitamin D-ology™, a new online quiz developed by Shaklee Scientists. Based on the answers to 8 simple questions, the Vitamin D quiz will quickly calculate the Shaklee Health Sciences recommended level of Vitamin D.

Click here to take the quiz today!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sandra Gal LPGA Golf Pro uses Shaklee Sports Nutrition

When Sandra Gal received her first set of brightly-colored plastic golf clubs on her fifth birthday, she had no idea that it was the beginning of her career. Today, the 25-year-old is on her way to becoming one of the most respected golfers in the world. Sandra placed fifth at the 2009 LPGA Corning Classic, where she shot 17 under par and finished among the top 10 at the Wegmans Classic Tournament. The German-native admits she didn't take the sport seriously until her high school years. She joined the German National Team at 17 years of age and won her first amateur championship title in 2003. Success followed her when she moved to the University of Florida: She placed first at the Sun Trust Lady Gator Invitational two years in a row and received two All-American honors.

Competitive in nature, she says she loves being challenged. What I love about competing is you're always under pressure and you're constantly learning how to improve yourself, she says.Sandra, who was introduced to Shaklee through her trainer, says she relies on a number of products to help her perform on the green. I mix Physique and the Cinch Shake Mix during rounds, usually after nine holes, when I feel a concentration slump. They help sustain my energy level. I also use the Cinch Snack Bars to give me a little kick.



  • Fifth place in the LPGA Corning Classic (65, 69, 68, 69)
  • Tenth place in the Wegmans LPGA (64, 73, 69, 75)
  • Eleventh place in the Navistar LPGA Classic (68, 69, 66, 75)
  • Fourteenth place in the PandG Beauty NW Arkansas Championship (64, 76, 70)
  • Fifteenth place in the Hana Bank • KOLON Championship (71, 75, 70)
  • T-14 at final stage of Qualifying school for LPGA 2008
  • T-5 at first stage of Qualifying school for LPGA 2008
  • First place in the Mercedes Benz Collegiate Championship
  • First place in the Czech International Ladies Championship
  • First place in the Vagliano Trophy (represented Continental Europe)
  • T-1 Bryan National Collegiate
  • First place in the Sun Trust Lady Gator Invitational
  • Second place in the Northrop Grumman Regional Challenge
  • Third place in the German International Ladies Championship
  • Third place in the Liz Murphey Collegiate Classic
  • Eighth place in the SAS Masters (Ladies European Tour)
  • First final qualifier for the US Women's Open
  • First place in the Sun Trust Lady Gator Invitational
  • Second place in the Dick McGuire Invitational
  • Third place in the Lady Buckeye Spring Invitational
  • Fourth place in the NCAA Championship
  • Fifth place in the World Amateur Team Championship (represented Germany)
  • Third place in the British Open Amateur Stroke Play
  • Third place in the German Ladies Amateur Open Championship
  • Third place in the Swiss Open Amateur
  • Ninth place in the World Amateur Team Championship (represented Germany)
  • First place in the German Girls Championship

Favorite Shaklee Products:

  • Shaklee Physique
  • Shaklee Performance
  • Shaklee Vitalizer
  • Cinch Shake Mix
  • Cinch Energy Tea Mix
  • Cinch Snack Bars
  • Learn more at: www.GetLivingHealthy.net

    Saturday, August 28, 2010

    Shaklee Alfalfa - The Father of All Foods


    Alfafla has a Long History of Cultivation.

    Alfafla comes from an Arabic Word meaning "Father of all Foods"

    Alfafla has a very deep root system - because it goes so deep into the ground, it makes makes more nutrients available for other plants.

    Alfafla Leaf is a very good source for chlorophyll and is the commercial source of chlorophyll you see in things like breath mints, mouth wash and kitty littler because chlorophyll is such a powerful detoxifier and natural deodorizing agent.

    Alfafla Tea makes a Great Digestive Aid.

    Alfafla is very rich in minerals because it's roots goes so deep into the soil. Rich in minerals like calcium, zinc, boron, magnesium, iron, protein, caratien, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfer, silicon, cobalt & more.

    Alfafla Flowers, Leaves and Seeds are all edible.

    Alfafla Seeds make a Great addition for an enzime rich salad.

    Alfafla is great for people with problems for digestion, arthritis, allergies and more.

    Alfafla is a member of the Pea and Bean family known for a great source of adding nitrogen into the soil and is very easy to find in grocery stores and health food stores.

    I love Alfafla personally... I eat it live on salads, make Alfafla tea and take natural Alfalfa supplements daily.

    Learn more about Alfafla Supplemets here: http://Alfalfa.VitaminSwap.com

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    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    Shaklee Cinch for Healthy Weight Loss...

    Take advantage of Cinch's key ingredient, Leucine™. Cinch is specially formulated to:
    - Keep muscle you have
    - Burn fat you don't need
    - Lose inches you don't want

    Leucine is a muscle-building amino acid found in protein rich foods. Cinch's leucine-enhanced nutrition program has been shown to help retain 100% of lean muscle mass. Cinch users have lost fat, weight, and inches while retaining their lean muscle.

    Order a Cinch Starter Kit today to get started on healthier you!

    Cinch 3 in 1 Boost These supplements boost metabolism and help keep blood sugar steady. Take three supplements a day with meals.

    Buy Now

    Cinch Energy Tea Mix Exotic white, red, and Matcha green teas are delicately harvested and blended to create this extraordinary drink. Whether you drink it hot or cold, it'll give you a natural energy lift and a feeling of well-being whenever that's what your day calls for.

    Buy Now:



    Additional Cinch Products


    Contact: Scott OBrien
    Shaklee Independent Distributor
    Home Phone: 424-237-8249
    Email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
    Skype: AskScottOBrien

    my website

    Knowing that dark chocolate, red wine and Italian-roast espresso are high in antioxidants is enough to make anyone's day. Hopefully, some of your other favorite foods will be found on this list of high-antioxidant foods:

    Berries: wild blueberry, acai, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry

    Fruits: apples, plums, cherries, prunes

    Beans: small red beans, pinto beans, black beans

    Others: artichokes, pecans


    Tags: buy shaklee, cinch inch diet, cinch inch loss diet review, cinch inch loss plan, shaklee, shaklee corporation, shaklee diet, shaklee distributors, shaklee online, shaklee products, shaklee top team

    Tuesday, August 17, 2010

    The 12 Most Dangerous Supplements are NOT in any Shaklee Products

    But there's another huge piece of the Shaklee Difference that I want you to know about. It's about the potentially dangerous ingredients that you simply won't find in Shaklee Products. The feature story in the September, 2010 issue of Consumer Reports® is "The 12 Most Dangerous Supplements, Which ones to avoid, Why they're on the market," published by Consumers Union® (CU), the expert, independent, nonprofit organization working for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine-archive/2010/september/september-2010-toc.htm

    Consumer Reports singled out the following "dirty dozen" dietary supplement ingredients due to potential health risks ranging from cardiovascular to liver and kidney problems: 1) aconite, 2) bitter orange, 3) chaparral, 4) colloidal silver, 5) coltsfoot, 6) comfrey, 7) country mallow, 8) germanium, 9) greater celandine, 10) kava, 11) lobelia, and 12) yohimbe. And the FDA has warned about at least eight of them, some as long ago as 1993.

    It came as no surprise to Shaklee that there are not any ingredients on this list that are in our products. In fact, these ingredients are not and have never been used in any Shaklee dietary supplement. In addition to researching the ingredients that we use in our Shaklee formulas for their efficacy, we take equal care in determining the safety of each and every ingredient used in our Shaklee products. Over the years we've evaluated many of the ingredients on the CU list and have rejected them for the same safety reasons CU now uses to identify them on their "hit" list.

    The "dirty dozen" list is the first update of the original CU list published in 2004. And now it should come as no surprise to you that no Shaklee dietary supplement has ever contained any of the offending ingredients from either the 2004 or the new 2010 Consumer Reports "Most Dangerous Supplements" lists.

    Always Safe is more than just a catchphrase at Shaklee, it's a guiding principle. Safety is paramount at Shaklee and our safety standards are unsurpassed in our industry. We conduct hundreds of tests on new ingredients and tens of thousands of quality tests annually to ensure product safety and efficacy. But more importantly, we design safety into each and every one of our products so you can be confident that dangerous ingredients will never find their way into any Shaklee dietary supplement.

    Order Your Shaklee Products Online Today! It's Fast, It's Simple and It's Secure. Go to www.LifetimeForHealth.com

    or contact Scott OBrien
    Shaklee Independent Distributor
    Top Shaklee Team

    email: support@startlivinghealthier.com
    home phone: 424-237-8249
    skype: AskScottOBrien
    facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/AskScottOBrien

    tags: buy shaklee online, consumer reports, dietary supplement, order shaklee, shaklee, shaklee distributors, shaklee leaders, shaklee products, top shaklee team

    Friday, August 13, 2010

    Introducing Get Clean Water from Shaklee

    A fresh take on healthier water, Get Clean Water is a new multipatented water filtration system. Unlike other water pitchers, Get Clean Water uses a solid block of carbon to clean your water, reducing some pretty nasty contaminants—including up to 99 percent of lead.

    Get Clean Water is the first pitcher to use a refillable carbon-block filter system so there's less plastic to throw away. And it filters 80 gallons of water per filter—twice as much as Brita® and PUR®

    Cleaner, healthier water and a cleaner, healthier planet?

    We can all drink to that!

    Beats Leading Brands!
    • Certified to reduce lead (Brita® and PUR® are not!3)
    • Certified to filter 80 gallons—twice as much as Brita® and PUR®2
    • First-ever pitcher with refillable carbon-block filter system

    The Smart Choice!
    • Costs only pennies a gallon
    • First automatic pitcher meter that shows gallons filtered
    • Healthy great-tasting water

    * Substances reduced may not be in all users' water.
    ** Compared to Brita® and PUR® pitcher filters at 40 gallons. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
    *** The comparison of current WQA and NSF certified reduction claims was conducted on June 16, 2010, on the Brita OB-36 and the PUR CR-6000C pitchers and is valid only for the named products marketed at the time.

    Order Get Clean Water Filter from Shaklee - Click Here

    Here's to a Clean Glass of Ice Cold Water!
    Scott OBrien

    Shaklee Independent Distributor
    home phone: 424-237-8249
    email: support@startlivinghealthier.com
    skype: AskScottOBrien
    web: www.LifetimeForHealth.com

    Tuesday, July 27, 2010

    Get Clean offers Safe, Non-Toxic Cleaners for Your Home, as seen on Oprah!

    I have been a steady user of products like Windex, Mr. Clean, Ajax, Tide, Pledge, Comet and more for my approach to cleaning our home for many years. But I recently decided to try the new line of Get Clean household products from Shaklee.

    When my 2 boxes of Get Clean products arrived, I must confess, my first thoughts were excitement and a shadow of doubt. It seemed like a lot of neat stuff, but will they actually work? Were the clean, fresh impressions that I gleaned from their website an accurate depiction of the actual goods?

    Happily, the answers are Yes, and without a doubt!

    I am truly amazed by their effectiveness and eco-friendliness. Get Clean not only gets the job done — but it's a true green find — an entire line of nontoxic cleaners that won't pollute the air you breathe, or cause harm to Mother Earth.

    The Get Clean Starter Kit contains a nifty array of practical solutions; each item packs a concentrated punch of cleaning power and each package and dispenser is attractive and well designed. The kit is all-inclusive, with measuring scoops, cloths, sponge, scrubbing pad and even a handy storage/caddy. And the instructions are thorough and easy to follow. As I stood over my kitchen sink, measuring and mixing my new cleaning cocktails, I had a few quiet chuckles as I flashed back on my chem classes from many moons ago.

    The entire line is a treat, especially after so many years of using toxic chemical based products on various surfaces. My favorite is the Scour Off Heavy-Duty Paste, it's a heavenly dream whip that wipes out the tough stuff with ease. For an overview of the complete line, simply click to Get Clean.

    With further digging, I also discovered that Shaklee also has an impressive history. Founded in 1956 by Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, they launched one of the first nontoxic, biodegradable cleaners in the 1960s. A decade later, one of the first biodegradable laundry detergents without phosphates, nitrates or borates was introduced, followed by one of the first official Earth Day products in 1990. And in 2000 Shaklee was the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its CO2 emissions, with a net zero impact on the environment.

    Shaklee's environmental stewardship and socially responsibility creates an attractive business opportunity. 12,000 new entrepreneurs sign up every month. I like what they're all about — health, harmony with nature, shared dreams, a better world, and doing it right.

    Here's a Quick Snapshot from their Website If one person were to switch from conventional cleaners to a Get Clean Starter Kit it would eliminate 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills and 248 pounds of GHG emissions, the equivalent of planting 10 trees.

    purchase  a get clean kit or separate get clean items here: Get Clean

    Sunday, July 25, 2010

    Drinking Tap Water with Chlorine in it...

    Drinking Tap Water with Chlorine May be a Health Risk!

    You'd be amazed how many water municipalities add chlorine to their drinking water to get rid of microbes. This is an inexpensive and highly effective disinfectant, but what you probably don't know is the dangers of chlorine in our body. Chlorine my be going into your body everyday if you are drinking tap water or even bottled water.

    While chlorine is an inexpensive and effective drinking water disinfectant, it is also a poison and we are drinking it, washing in it and cooking with it. Did you know that chlorine gas was used with deadly effectiveness as a weapon in the First World War? The gas would severely burn the lungs and other body tissues when inhaled, and is no less powerful when ingested by mouth.

    Researchers have now linked chlorine in drinking water to higher incidences of bladder, rectal and breast cancers. Reportedly chlorine, once in water, interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes (THMs) — which when ingested encourage the growth of free radicals that can destroy or damage vital cells in the body. Most of the water we drink ends up in the bladder and/or rectum, so THMs in drinking water are particularly damaging to these organs most.

    The link between chlorine and bladder and rectal cancers has long been known, but only recently have researchers found a link between common chlorine disinfectants and breast cancer, which affects one out of every eight American women. A recent study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut found that women with breast cancer have 50-60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorine by-products) in their breast tissue than cancer-free women.

    But don't think that buying bottled water is any solution. Much of the bottled water for sale in the U.S. comes from public municipal water sources that are often treated with, you guessed it, chlorine. A few cities have switched over to other means of disinfecting their water supplies. Las Vegas, for example, has followed the lead of many European and Canadian cities in switching over to harmless ozone instead of chlorine to disinfect its municipal water supply.

    Here's some Tips

    • Stop Buying Bottled Water! It may not be any better than the water you get from your tap and all those empty plastic bottles are ending up in landfills... they are horrible for the environment!
    • Carbon Filters will removed most of the Chlorine from your tap water... a simple and cost effective way for drinking tap water.
    Learn more about Drinking Tap Water and our recommendations for getting chlorine and other contaminants out of your drinking water by visiting: www.DrinkingTapWater.com

    To Your Health!
    Scott OBrien
    Independent Shaklee Distributor

    Contact Me Today for Questions:
    email: support@drinkingtapwater.com
    skype: AskScottOBrien
    office: 424-Best Biz (424-237-8249)
    facebook: www.facebook.com/AskScottOBrien
    blog: www.StartLivingHealthier.com
    web: www.LifetimeForHealth.com

    Saturday, July 24, 2010

    Dangers of Drinking tap Water

    Do You Understand the Dangers of Drinking Tap Water?

    If you know the dangers of drinking tap water to your health and well being, you would think twice before putting it into you body.

    We often take the purity of our tap water for granted and we shouldn't. There are endless reports of contaminants in our tap water. Aging pipes leach contaminants into the water they carry and breed bacteria… a potential prescription for illness. Old-fashion water treatment systems built to filter out particles in the water and kill some parasites and bacteria, generally fail to remove 21st century contaminants like pesticides, industrial chemicals and arsenic.

    To disinfect, chlorine is added to our water supply at the water processing plant. In many cities, ammonia is also added to the process which is called Chloramine, to stabilize the chlorine so it won't vaporize over time. Here are a few quotes from the city of San Francisco water department pamphlet: Chloraminated water can harm fish and amphibians, such as turtles and frogs, as chloramine passes through their gills and directly enters the bloodstream.

    Do you think it's safe for people and animals to drink?. Is it really safe for the human body? It might not kill us right away, but will slowly if accumulated over a long period of time. Chlorine or chloramin is known to be the cause of some illnesses. There are other contaminants that tap water may or most likely contain:

    • Lead from soldered pipes – which can cause brain damage and decreased intelligence in children, result in anemia, low birth weight in children, increase blood pressure in adults
    • Microbiological growth inside pipeline or tank
    • Particulates from corrosion and rusting inside pipes or holding tanks
    • Pesticides from leeching industrial runoff
    • Mercury, which may cause kidney damage
    • Radon from land decade can increase the risk of stomach cancer
    • MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), a cancer causing chemical
    • Germs, bacteria and viruses
    • Rocket fuel — perchlorate, harmful to the thyroid and possibly carcinogenic
    • Arsenic, recently judged not safe at any level in drinking water, is still present at significant levels in the drinking water of 22 million Americans.

    NRDC's study revealed that periodic spikes in contaminant levels are on the rise, a sign that aging pipes and water-treatment facilities often can't handle today's contaminant loads. With the recent report on pharmaceuticals substance found in drinking water supply is just one of many cases. EPA estimates that 2-10% of bladder cancer may be from contaminated drinking water. The use of at source water purification devices is strongly recommended to protect you and your family's health should you be concerned of the dangers of drinking tap water.

    Get Clean Water from Shaklee

    Get Clean Water with Shaklee CLICK HERE

    Be sure to Change your filters as recommended.

    Clean Water is Awesome! Drink Lots of it!
    VISIT: www.DrinkingTapWater.com

    To Your Health!
    Scott OBrien
    Independent Shaklee Distributor

    Contact Me Today for Questions:
    email: support@drinkingtapwater.com
    skype: AskScottOBrien
    office: 424-Best Biz (424-237-8249)
    facebook: www.facebook.com/AskScottOBrien
    twitter: www.twitter.com/ScottOBrien
    blog: www.StartLivingHealthier.com
    web: www.LifetimeForHealth.com

    Monday, July 19, 2010

    VIVIX, The New Anti-Aging Secret! Resveratrol

    My New Anti-Aging Secret

    Turn Back The Clock With RevUp31

    We all face the hands of time and want to turn back the clock. As time goes on and we move up in age, our bodies begin to change and enter what some people call the ripening stage of life. To many it is a sad and depressing stage of life. However, for some of us when we know our bodies and our limits, the aging process becomes a thing of the past. We begin to take control of the aging process. We have to change our lifestyle to accommodate the aging process. Lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking seem way more harmful than when we were younger.

    Now, I may appear to be very naïve to think about slowing down aging, but what if we could turn back the clock or stop this inevitability? Well, I shouldn't say stop, but slow it down. I am sure it is something that at least 80% of the population of the world would be interested in, maybe even think fondly of. What if I told you biologists and bio-chemists alike, agree that there is a gene that affects aging and there is a product that can trigger that gene, would you believe me? Well you should because that is a true statement and it has been proven for several years now. The question is, how can humans consume this product that triggers the gene safely and will it work? Today, the question is being answered. Let me explain in detail.

    The chemical or "phytoalexin" is called Resveratrol which is basically a line of defense for a plant's immune system. It is found in grapes and specifically red wine but not in amounts large enough to have any noticeable effects on humans, but it can be formulated in a lab to be highly concentrated. Tests using this high concentrate of Resveratrol have been done on rats and mice and it was found to increase their life up to 30% and even inhibit cancerous cell growth within the animals. Although significant tests have not been done on humans, it is a possibility the same high-concentrated dosage could have similar effects.

    VIVIX is one of the World's first mass produced, concentrated forms of Resveratrol. It boasts the ability to slow the aging process among many other "miracle-type" affects within humans. To investigate, or not to investigate is the question. Considering the studies in smaller mammals have proven high concentrations of Resveratrol can have positive effects! More information can be found here; www.ResveratrolAntiAging.com

    Sunday, June 27, 2010

    Anti-Aging... Look Younger and Live Longer!

    Resveratrol is the New Anti-Aging Potion

    Resveratrol has been found to help with Anti-Aging. Years of Research has figured out why Red Wine has always been thought as a health drink... it's because of the Red Grapes. Actually the skins of the Red Grapes is where Resveratrol has been discovered. Harvard Medical Group and Shaklee have figured out a way to extract Resveratrol Naturally and come up with a patent product called VIVIX.

    Resveratrol is the New Anti-Aging Potion
    One of the biggest mysteries in life is how to stop people from aging. Everyone ages because that's just the way it works. However, most people don't like the whole aging process. Their skin starts to get loose, their muscle starts to deteriorate, and many parts of the body seem to become less attractive. Since this is such a big issue companies have taken full advantage of it by throwing out many products that are supposed to help prevent the symptoms of aging. However, not many of them work. This article, though, will focus on one Anti-Aging product that does work, Resveratrol.

    Before using any Anti-Aging product people should know what it is and what it is supposed to do. This is to make sure that there isn't anything in it that people may be allergic to or anything like that. Well, Resveratrol is actually a natural product. It is made up of skins of various red fruits, grapes, peanuts, berries, herbs, red wine, and many other things. By looking at this list of ingredients people can easily figure out that this product is much more natural than other products that are supposed to prevent the symptoms of aging.

    Most Anti-Aging products seem to be more like a miracle product than an actual product that is proven scientifically. However, this isn't the case with Resveratrol. Resveratrol has ingredients in it that activates genes called sirtuins. Sirtuins are believed to actually reduce the cellular decay in the body and give cells more power in order to build themselves back up. It sounds really complicated, but all people have to know is that this product reduces the process of cellular decay, it reduces the death of cells, it controls any sort of abnormal growth in cells, and it helps with cell repair.

    This almost sounds too good to be true, so there must be a catch. However, there is no catch. Even when it comes to the amount of Resveratrol people are to take. The amount is actually quite small. With just one to ten milligrams of this product a day people can get the great benefits of this product that have been mentioned in this article. I hope this article has been beneficial to those looking for a great Anti-Aging product that actually works.

    To Learn More about Resveratrol and Anti-Aging, visit: Resveratrol Anti Aging Today!

    To Your Health, Scott OBrien www.ResveratrolAntiAging.com 

    Resveratrol Anti-Aging Resveratrol Anti-Aging Potion called VIVIX from Shaklee.

    Tags: order shaklee, resveratrol, shaklee, vivix, anti-aging, 

    Thursday, June 17, 2010

    TripleQuikAds - Online Advertising Review


    Triple Quik Ads Review

    I kept hearing about all these people raving about the launch of a new online advertising opportunity using an innovative mailing system and uniquely powerfuly Reverse 3-UP Compensation Plan. I simply had to check it out.

    I was so impressed with the opportunity that I contacted the folks running it to introduce myself and "get to know" them. They were open and honest with me, and explained the innovative mailing list, passive advertising system and absolutely astounding compensation plan in detail to me.

    You simply MUST check this out! CLICK HERE for TripleQuikAds

    But wait, there are 2 things you should know before heading over there.

    1) You can JOIN for FREE. 2) You can EARN for FREE.

    I've seen many great opportunities and I can honestly tell you that this one will blow your mind! They are challenging everything we know about the online advertising industry, and taking it to a Whole NEW Level!

    CLICK HERE - TripleQuikAds

    See You at the TOP! Scott OBrien Skype Me: AskScottOBrien Look me up on Facebook


    Tags: listquik, online advertising, residualquik, triple quik ads, triplequikads, triplequikads.com, www.triplequikads.com

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    The Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan is a Weight Loss Program

    Shaklee Cinch The Cinch Inch Loss Plan is a 12-week meal replacement weight loss program.


    For the past 50 years, Shaklee scientists and researchers have been working to bring you the best products from nature that support and improve your health. From creating one of the first non-toxic cleaning products to being the first company to be climate neutral, Shaklee has been trailblazing the way as champions of the environmental movement. At the heart of their motivation is their belief that taking care of the health of families also makes a profound difference in the health of the planet.

    Shaklee creates products for the home, beauty and health. One of their most notable products is the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, a regimen of protein-packed shakes, meal-replacement bars and energy-boosting teas that help you lose inches and pounds safely and effectively. The concept behind the weight loss plan is that the more muscle you have, the more efficient your metabolism will become, therefore, each of the Cinch products contain a significant dose of protein in order to help you build lean muscle mass.

    You can lose up to 16 pounds in 12-weeks by following the Shaklee program correctly.

    The California-based company sells its products through a multi-level marketing system or online.


    * Products contain no parabens, triclosan, sulfates, trans-fats, dyes or artificial sweeteners * Shaklee is a well-established company with a more than half-century history * Offers a variety of health products * Packaging of products is done so with non-toxic inks and eco-safe materials * Weight loss products include an organized program


    * Cinch Inch Loss Plan may not produce same results for everyone * Meal-replacement diets may produce feelings of diet deprivation that can lead to weight regain * Weight loss supplement and tea may produce side effects in some people


    The Cinch Inch Loss Plan is a 12-week weight loss plan that promises to help you lose fat while keeping and building muscle. The magic of the Cinch Inch Loss Plan comes from the specific line of products which contain leucine, an amino acid that helps your body retain muscle mass.

    On the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, you consume one Cinch shakes in place of two meals, preferably breakfast and lunch or a Cinch Meal-in-a-Bar, both of which contain a mega serving of protein. In addition, Cinch energy teas can be consumed throughout the day to offer a natural energy boost. Cinch Snack Bars can be eaten in lieu of your usual afternoon or mid-morning snack and the Cinch 3-in-1-Boot supplement is also taken each day in order to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs and to regulate your blood sugar. A portion and calorie-controlled dinner of your choice is allowed.

    The Cinch Inch Loss Plan starter kit includes everything you need to begin the weight loss plan. The kit includes shake mixes (chocolate or vanilla), nutrition bars, supplements, daily journals, a CD program guide, shaker cup, pedometer and tape measure.


    The CinchCoach software program helps you create a fitness plan that supports your weight loss goals. You can also read articles on fitness and exercise on the Cinch website and the starter kit comes with a pedometer to encourage adding more movement to your day and a measuring tape in order to measure your weight loss progress.

    Order Your Shaklee Cinch Today: CLICK HERE

    or Visit: www.MagicDietPlus.com


    The Cinch Inch Loss Program created by Shaklee is a 12-week weight loss program that relies on consuming a regimented diet of Cinch shakes, teas, bars and supplements. As a meal-replacement diet, Cinch helps you lose fat while retaining and building lean muscle mass with its inclusion of metabolism-boosting protein in each product.

    Shaklee is a health and beauty company that has been specializing in developing and selling healthy and sustainable products since 1956.

    If you are looking for a controlled diet plan, one that provides you with food and tells you when to consume it, then Shaklee's Cinch Inch Loss Plan might be just the weight loss program you need to lose weight and take control over your health once and for all.

    Common Misspellings

    shakley, cinch inch diet, cinch an inch diet, cinch inch lose plan, shaklee diet, shakley diet, the shaklee diet, cinchcoach

    Order Your Shaklee Cinch Today: CLICK HERE

    or Visit: www.MagicDietPlus.com

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Start Online Home Business

    start online home business,chris farrell

    Thanks to the internet, people are now able to do almost anything right at the comforts of their own home. Whether you need to do your groceries, book a flight, or you need to go shop for new clothes, the internet will be able to provide everything for you.

    If you think that the internet is only a tool for communicating with your family and friends, then you are missing one of the best money making opportunities that you can take advantage of right at the comforts of your own home.

    Since the internet is being used by almost every people living in every developed country, businesses, companies and aspiring entrepreneurs are now taking advantage of the internet to market their products and services.

    If you want to make money, you can take advantage of the power of the internet. All you have to do is know what kind of home based business that you should get into to start your road to riches.

    The first step in your online home based business is by knowing what kind of products to sell. You have to consider that there are tons of auction websites available that you can take advantage of to market your products. Since millions of people are now going online to shop for different kinds of things, you can be sure that there will be hundreds of people looking for your particular product.

    start online home business,chris farrell

    For example, if you have extra things in your home that you consider as junk, then you can sell it by holding a virtual garage sale. Chances are someone will buy the things you consider as junk and think of it as a treasure.

    If you have a talent for writing, you can be a freelance web content writer. Through this kind of home based business, you will be able to make money by writing articles about a particular product. Plus, you can also make use of your article writing skills for affiliate marketing.

    The great thing about affiliate marketing is that you don't actually have to do anything at all. All you need is a website that has been optimized for search engines and a specific topic. Then you need to affiliate with a company that is offering products related to the topic of your website. With every product sold that has been referred to by your website, you will be able to earn a small commission. Although the commission is quite small, you have to remember that there are millions of people surfing the internet everyday. This means that you will never run out of potential customers interested on the product your affiliate is trying to sell.

    If you love to manufacture wood crafts or you like making T-shirt designs, you can advertise your services in the internet. This can be a very lucrative business provided that you provide high quality products that people will surely love.

    Making money online is relatively easy. All you need to know is where to start and how to market. You have to be patient and you need to work hard in marketing your product when you start your online business. By effectively marketing your product through articles and also through referrals, you will be well on your way to make money at home with the use of the internet.

    Learn How to Start Your Online Home Business Today and Grab Your Free Video Training Series Today at: www.StartOnlineHomeBusiness.com

    start online home business,chris farrell

    Keywords: start online home business, make money online, business opportunity,how to make money,earn money

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    My Global Payline | TriUnity | Press Release

    My Global Payline from TriUnity International is ready to Open Doors to over 200 Countries. TriUnity is Home of "Magic Diet" the all natural diet supplement. My Global Payline is a Straight Line Comp Plan like no other MLM Compensation Plan you have ever seen before.

    You can join today with a free bottle of Diet Magic and everyone that comes after you, no matter who sponsors them, will ultimately end up in your downline. Getting in now before the worldwide launch has many benefits... the question is: "will you take action and join now or will you wait and watch the massive explosion happen in front of your eyes?"

    Check Out this Latest Press Release: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/triunity-international-home-of-magic-diet-introduces-my-glo-pr-204073.html

    Lock in your Position Today: http://www.my-global-payline.com

    Saturday, April 24, 2010

    My Global Payline | Magic Diet | TriUnity | Straight Line Comp Plan


    How would you like the time freedom to just drop everything and go have a cup of coffee, go to the gym, play a round of golf, or even get a manicure anytime of the day you wanted to? What kind of income would it take for You to have that kind of Time Freedom in your life? $500 a week? $1000 a week?

    How would you generate that Time Freedom income? I invite YOU to Take a Look at My Global Payline the Straight Line Comp Plan from TriUnity Home of Magic Diet.

    Lock in Your Position Today its Simple! Just Sign-Up for a Free Bottle of Magic Diet, a 30-day bottle of our all natural diet supplement and youre in. After 30 days you can decide for yourself if this product is right for you and if youre seeing results like the 100s of 1000s of other TriUnity Members, lets help you build the business by simply giving away more bottles of Magic Diet to people you know that are struggling with their weight!

    Grab Your Free Bottle of Magic Diet Today: www.MagicDietPlus.com

    Visit my Blogs to Learn More:
    www.7-Figure-Networker.com or

    My Global Payline | Magic Diet | Triunity | MLM Compensation Plan